The Logistics Handbook - A Practical Guide for Supply Chain


The Logistics Handbook - A Practical Guide for Supply Chain

The Logistics Handbook: A Practical Guide for Supply Chain Managers in Fam­ily Planning and Health Programs was written for anyone involved in the day-to-day management of contraceptive supplies in developing countries. Many of the suggested techniques also apply to the management of essential drugs, including medications used for human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) control programs, acute respiratory infection (ARI), tuberculosis control, and vaccination programs.

A number of techniques described in this handbook will be helpful to read­ers who are responsible for improving, revising, or designing all or part of a logistics system—including the design of data collection forms and inventory control systems. Additional techniques are described—how to assess the functioning of an entire logistics system and how to monitor such a system continually.

This book is modeled on the U.S.-based logistics management course originally provided by the Family Planning Logistics Management (FPLM) project, now the USAID | DELIVER PROJECT. Although the handbook does not contain everything participants learn in the course, we hope that, by capturing aspects of the key topics presented, the project will be able to reach thousands of people involved in supply management.

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