Lean Six Sigma For Supply Chain Management


Lean Six Sigma For Supply Chain Management

After reading this chapter, you should understand how to identify and execute supply chain projects to ensure operational linkage with senior management’s high-level goals and objectives and understand the follow­ing concepts:

1. Why it is important to identify financial and operational metrics, to ensure business alignment, prior to creating Lean Six Sigma improvement projects.

2. Why projects must link to the voice-of-the customer (VOC).

3. Why it is important to establish metric scorecards prior to deploy­ing projects.

4. Why system models of major work streams are useful in under­standing their impact on supply chain performance.

5. Why input/output matrices are useful in translating senior manage­ment’s strategic goals and objectives into Lean Six Sigma projects.

6. Why it is important to create a list of questions relevant to the project’s problem statement and objective prior to collecting and analyzing data.

7. Why a project requires a project charter and effective project man­agement in order to be successful.

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